Onboarding with Hosted Essentials +

At the start of the Onboarding wizard, consent must be granted by the service administrator to secure access to their M365 platform through the Token Invitation wizard using one of the following methods:

Run Invitation wizard using Application Registration
Run Invitation wizard using Delegated Token

Once you have secured the Token connection, the following Onboarding flows can be run:

Onboarding with both M365 Default Routing and SBC Configuration
Configure SBC
To onboard Hosted Essentials + customers:
1. In the Services page, from the Add Service drop-down list, select Add Service > Direct Routing.

2. From the drop-down, select the desired customer and then click Select.
  1. The Onboarding interface opens.

3. Click Add New Tenant.

4. Enter Full Name of Service – Free Text.
5. Enter Unique Short Name of Service - Define a unique name for the new service.

Note the following rules:

The string should be 3-15 characters long
The following characters cannot be used: \ / : * ? " < > |audit
Can contain letters (lower/UPPER case), Numbers and special characters are allowed, however cannot contain the dot (.) or blank spaces.
Unique name per Service
6. Select the Hosted Essentials+ license Type.
7. Select the number of licensed users. A maximum of 500 users can be configured per customer.
8. Do one of the following:
Enter the Username and password of the Tenant service Global admin or Service account admin, and then proceed to Secure Token Connection.
Select the check box Send link to IT administrator for authentication, and then enter the email address of the Tenant service Global admin or Service account admin.

Close the window and proceed to Secure Token Connection.

Once you have completed the Token Invitation wizard, a secure connection to your tenants' Microsoft 365 is established and the following screen is displayed.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

9. Define Microsoft 365 settings and then click Next.

Microsoft 365 Settings

M365 Setting


M365 Domain (Override Admin Domain)

Customer Tenant original Microsoft 365 domain prior to applying vanity domain names (“example.onmicrosoft.com”).

Tenant ID

The customer Tenant ID. This field is automatically filled; the Tenant ID of the M365 authenticated user for this Onboarding wizard process.

Grant Admin Access to

This option provides multi-tier support for third-party administrators such as Channel or Customer administrators to perform actions in Live PlatformChannel/Customer Portal (Optional). When this option is used, Single Sign-on support with the customer Azure AD is provided.

Microsoft Teams Notification Service for retrieving QoE data from Microsoft Teams to Live Platform Dashboard and calls. An app registration on customer tenant with Graph API permissions is prerequired to support this feature (this registration is setup by AudioCodes Professional Services).The application must be registered on the Azure customer tenant ( see Add Microsoft Teams Device (Direct Routing).

Application ID (Client ID)

The Application ID of the registration described above.

Application Password (Client Secret)

The Application password (client secret) of the registration described above.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

10. Do one of the following:
Select Configure M365 default routing ; the wizard creates default M365 routing in the customer tenant based on the derived trunk model for service providers. In addition, you can automatically configure the DNS server to create a PSTN gateway and customer domain. See Onboarding with both M365 Default Routing and SBC Configuration.
Click Next and proceed to Configure SBC.